Why Hire a Doula? What Do Doulas DO?

Why Hire a Doula? What Do Doulas DO?

Picture this:     You’re about to have a baby. Throughout your pregnancy you’ve been surrounded by your mom, sisters, aunts, grandmother, and cousins who have had babies and have given you so much information. They’ve helped you learn and feel comfortable and helped you prepare for labor and birth and postpartum. You’ve heard their birth stories and likely witnessed some of them yourself.  Labor begins, and you are calm. Thanks to your family, you know what to expect, and they help you during labor. Your baby is born and you begin your “new” life that includes this little one.  There was a time not that long ago in human history when this was the norm. Family members lived near (or with) each other, taught each other from generation to generation, and women assisted and supported each other during labor and birth. From a young age, children had knowledge about birth because they were nearby or present  as siblings were born – or at the least, witnessing the birth of farm animals. A lot in our society has changed in such a short amount of time. Unfortunately, most peoples’ knowledge about birth is limited to what they see in TV and movies, and that’s usually not very true to life. Many people don’t live near their families, and even if they do, our most immediate generations older also have not been exposed to birth as a normal, event. Birth is seen as something medical that must occur in a hospital setting and needs to be managed and medicated and happen in a specific amount of time. So how can we reclaim that comfort, knowledge, innate understanding of what birth is and means, and honor that?   Hire Blessed Birth Doula of CNY.   Doulas bring back what used to be part of everyday life. We aren’t your family, but we will support you. We will teach you, we will help you feel confident and empowered. We will help you to know that birth is a normal physiological process and that you can not only get through it, but that it can be one of the most positive, transformative events in your life.   As your doula, my purpose is threefold:   The ways we implement these ideas in real life include:   Other add-on services can include newborn care basics classes, extensive childbirth education classes, special support options for women with HG pregnancies, and natural family planning basics consultations. If you’re ready to feel prepared, cared for, and completely supported during pregnancy and birth and beyond, get in touch with us today! Learn more about Blessed Birth Doula of CNY birth doula services at www.BlessedBirthDoula.com.