Childbirth Education Classes

Empower Yourself Through Education

        We believe in the power of education. Knowledge can open doors and create opportunities. Information can help you feel more confident and prepared for your childbirth experience. By providing up-to-date, evidence-based information, you’ll leave our classes with information and skills that you can use from conception through postpartum and beyond.   
      Blessed Birth offers options for childbirth and your preparation for it. We offer several topics and types of classes — see which one might be the best fit for your learning style.

Private or Group Classes in Person

+ Join one of our pre-scheduled, interactive group classes and learn along with several other couples 

+ Schedule a private class to be held in the comfort of your home for yourself and a small group of your family, friends, and/or colleagues* 

Private or Group Classes via Video Call

+ Join one of our pre-scheduled group video call classes

+ Schedule a private video call class for yourself and a small group of your family, friends, and/or colleagues*

Share With Your Friends 

Do you have family members or friends who are also pregnant and interested in classes? Schedule a private class and learn together! You’ll receive a $10 discount on your class fee for every referral who registers for your private class with Blessed Birth.*


*Each registration fee listed covers two attendees (pregnant woman and spouse or other support person). A minimum of two paid registration fees is required to schedule a private class in-person or via video call. Maximum discount for referrals is $40. 

All About Labor and Birth

      This three-hour class provides a solid foundation as you approach childbirth. We discuss:

+ nutrition during pregnancy

+ dealing with common pregnancy discomforts

+ the stages of labor and typical labor progression

+ signs of labor and what to do

+ informed consent

+ common induction methods and medications

+ the benefits of doula support

+ immediate postpartum options

+workbook included


2025 Classes scheduled:

10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in Syracuse

March 8, April 12, May 17, June 21 —–>

Full-Day Childbirth Education 

This extensive six-hour class includes all the content in our All About Labor and Birth class and more! You’ll learn: 

+ everything from our All About Labor and Birth class 

+ positions for labor and pushing

+ breathing techniques

+ natural comfort measures

+ Cesarean basics

+ tips for creating a birth preferences document 

+ breastfeeding overview

+ postpartum care for mother and baby

+workbook included


2025 Classes scheduled:

10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in Syracuse

<—– March 8, May 17

Planning Your Cesarean Birth

If you have a medical indication that necessitates a planned Cesarean birth, this is the class for you. We talk over the details, including: 

+ your options (yes, you have options!) and preferences for a “Gentle Cesarean”

+ timeline of events from arrival to surgery to going home

+ the basics of typical anesthesia used 

+ accommodations for mother and newborn

+ preservation of the “Golden Hour” and breastfeeding after Cesarean

+ tips for physical and emotional recovery 


Breastfeeding Essentials

      Breastfeeding has so many benefits for mother and baby! Set yourself up for success by taking our Breastfeeding Essentials class during your pregnancy, and consider our private, in-home Lactation Consultations for personalized support after your baby is born. You can do it — we can help!
      This 2-hour class is designed to boost your confidence with breastfeeding. Learn about:

+ getting a good start immediately after birth

+ basics of milk production

+ how to know if baby is getting enough

+ hunger cues

+ proper latch

+ nursing positions


2025 Classes scheduled: 

6:30 to 8:30 p.m. via Zoom 

March 18, April 15, May 19

Caring for Your Newborn

      We know being responsible for a newborn can feel intimidating, but this class will change that! We give you the practical information and helpful tips you’ll need so you are confident in caring for your little one. Learn all about:

+ bathing and diapering 

+ swaddling

+ soothing your baby 

+ safe sleep guidelines and recommendations

+ sleep options

+ identifying baby’s hunger cues and basics for feeding

+ what tools and gadgets are helpful 


Postpartum Prep

Sometimes in the excitement of preparing for your baby’s birth, you might not think as much about what the postpartum time will look like. This class focuses on important considerations and recommendations, including: 

+ what to expect the first few weeks – for baby and for yourself

+ meal prep and other household responsibilities

+ family and sibling adjustments 

+ perinatal mood disorders, warning signs, and how to get help

+ the importance of sleep

+ welcoming visitors and creating healthy boundaries


Modern Natural Family Planning: Understanding Your Body’s Natural Rhythm 

Do you want to avoid or achieve pregnancy without using chemicals or putting devices into your body? Maybe you’ve heard about Fertility Awareness Methods but you aren’t sure where to start? This introductory class about Natural Family Planning is the place to begin! We cover: 

+ the SCIENCE of modern NFP (this is NOT your grandmother’s calendar method!)     

+ basics of the female reproductive cycle                                                 

+ reasons why women and couples choose NFP

+ practicing NFP to avoid** or achieve*** pregnancy

+ overall health and emotional benefits

+ how fertility awareness can empower you          

+ overview of five major methods

+ additional optional cross-checks and options for tracking your cycle       

+ resources that can help you implement NFP into your daily life  

+ recommendations for method-certified instructors                                 


2025 Classes scheduled (more to be added) via Zoom: 

March 20

**Some methods of NFP have efficacy rates of up to 99% for avoiding pregnancy, based on perfect use. 

***When couples experiencing infertility use NFP and NaProTechnology to conceive, they experience more than double the live birth rate than couples who use IVF (IVF 23% live births per 100; NaPro is 53% live births per 100). (Source: What is the difference between NaProTechnology and IVF? | Modern Fertility Care )

Disclaimer: Blessed Birth Doula of CNY is not a physician and is not certified to teach any specific NFP method. This class provides a general introduction and overview to NFP, with referrals to method-certified instructors. This class is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as individual medical or health advice.