Our Mission

Our Mission

Your journey will be unique for your family. Through extensive training and certifications, continued professional education, and a genuine love for what we do, we are committed to being with you through it all, conception to postpartum. 

We live our mission by acknowledging the inherent dignity and value of each woman and each baby, and our focus is three-fold:


To provide evidence-based education, information, and resources and assist women and their families as they navigate and learn about their options during labor, birth, and postpartum.

Recognition and Respect

To support women as they recognize in themselves and live out their innate capabilities and gifts as mothers, and to respect physiological birth as the beautiful, sacred, natural event that it is.


To be a warm, reassuring presence that accompanies women and their families through their pregnancies, births, and postpartum times, however they may unfold.

Contact us today
for a 30-minute
complimentary consultation

(315) 761-3643

We look forward to connecting with you soon!